Friday, February 5, 2010

The Éclair concept doesn’t look all that good in the renderings, partially because of the eye-hurting paintjob, but the concept from designer Alexander Kotlyarevsky has some good features up its sleeve. Éclair (French for lightning) can do a bit of shape shifting to comfortably accommodate the driver and a passenger in its two seats.
Controls on the car get a futuristic inspiration, with one sphere placed under each arm of the driver. Accelerator and brakes go under the left arm of the driver, and the steering part is done by the right arm. If you’re not comfortable with the setting, the spheres can simply switch functions. The body is made of fiber silicon for better strength and protection and the tires are made of reinforced silicon alloy. Wheels on the concept use a “twin wheel system” for power, effectively doing away with axles.

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